Critical Scaling is industry agnostic. This 1 day roundtable event brings together 20-25 CEOs whom are all tasked with scaling their organisation, into a single boardroom to learn from each other and Jenny Junkeer. The power of collaboration and collective creativity to reimagine the shape of the organisation into the future is enormous. Scale is made easy through leverage. This event alone provides network leverage, intellectual leverage and industry cross pollination leverage.

The CEO role is somewhat isolating, the entire organisation is looking to you to be the visionary of the business. Use this 1 day to inspire you to inspire others. Commencing with a free mandatory scaling ambition group virtual session, the 1 day roundtable event process works as follows:


Share the ambition. Using the law of attraction, each CEO will introduce themselves and share the scaling ambition of their organisation. The expression of the ambition out loud creates the motivation to drive it.


Customer Journey Alignment. An exercise to map out the customer journey of the future 'scaled business', which includes an evaluation of the alignment of current product and services.


Set the Strategy Workshop style facilitation to create the scaling strategy.


Explore the Gaps Starting with an individual mind mapping exercise to identify current gaps within the business to achieve the scaling strategy. The gaps are then openly shared and every other CEO are to share insights, comments, lessons learnt on how to swiftly solve those gaps.


Build Scaling Relationships. CEOs are provided unstructured time to engage with one another, build relationships and bonds that will help them navigate the scaling of their organisations.


Share the ambition.

Using the law of attraction, each CEO will introduce themselves and share the scaling ambition of

their organisation.

The expression of the ambition out loud creates the motivation to drive it.


Customer Journey Alignment.

An exercise to map out the customer's journey from the future 'scaled

business'. Followed by an evaluation of the alignment of current product and services to this future state journey.


Set the Strategy.

Workshop style facilitation to create the scaling strategy.

Learn from the strategic choices being made by other CEOs in the room. Test your strategic instinct amongst experienced veteran leaders, live.


Explore the Gaps.

Starting with an individual mind mapping exercise to identify current gaps within the business blocking the achievement of the scaling strategy. The gaps are then openly shared and every other CEO are to share insights, comments, lessons

learnt on how to swiftly solve those gaps.


Build Scaling Relationships. CEOs are provided unstructured time to engage with one another, build relationships and bonds that will help them navigate the scaling of their organisations.

Peer accountability and long term friendships are key.

Like to simply get a second opinion?

Consider a quick 30 minute phone call with a global scaling expert. Experience the power of what one conversation can do.

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About Jenny Junkeer

Jenny Junkeer is a leading thought leader in the space of scaling organisations globally. Using proprietary methodologies and a practical approach to accelerated growth, Jenny is just the ammunition your organisation needs to rocket to the moon!