On demand advisory offered for specific scaling strategy requests. The business may already be well and truly on its scaling journey, however the choice to stop and refuel with new ideas, inspirations, solutions, questions, insights, makes for a faster and smoother ride. What if something asked and answered within 5 minutes changes the financial outcome to have one more zero at the end of that number? This is the power of on demand advisory consult. Businesses that want access to the on demand advisory service must first join the scaling league membership.

This is a monthly subscription that gives access to 1|30|60 minutes of on demand advisory a month. Free to Join; Cancel anytime. If you need more advisory minutes, you can either pay by the minute or choose blocks of time. The content for these sessions are completely driven by you. Complete a session scope form to pre-inform Jenny Junkeer of the topic(s) that will be posed, a time estimate will be provided, and once you book the session in, the answer will be addressed from the first minute. We know time is money, this service maximises your ROI on every dollar.

Like to simply get a second opinion?

Consider a quick 30 minute phone call with a global scaling expert. Experience the power of what one conversation can do.

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About Jenny Junkeer

Jenny Junkeer is a leading thought leader in the space of scaling organisations globally. Using proprietary methodologies and a practical approach to accelerated growth, Jenny is just the ammunition your organisation needs to rocket to the moon!